

What is it?

Pygments is an open source syntax highlighting engine written in Python which takes source code and produces output in different formats that contain syntax highlighting markup. Output formats include HTML, LaTeX, RTF, GIF, PNG, JPEG and others. It can be used as a library or as a command-line tool.

The NetLogo language definition makes it possible to generate automatically NetLogo model source code in different formats directly from the original source file. The output looks like in the Procedures Tab of NetLogo with respect to the colorization as well as the identation and is therefore easily available and editable for publications in text processing software or for using it on websites.

It is written as a Plug-In for Pygments with a lexer based on regular expressions and key-word lists as well as a style definition for the colorization. It words for the primitives of the bundeled extensions as well as for the MultiView- and R-Extension.


How to get it?

Download the zip file of the Plug-In. Unzip the file and read the installation instructions given in the file Installation. You will have to install Python and the Pygments library (installing and using easy_install for this makes it easier!) first. The you will have to run the installation script for the NetLogo Plug-In.


What else?

Please cite this Plug-In in scientific publication as follows:
Thiele, J.C., Kurth, W. & Grimm, V. (2011) Agent- and Individual-based Modelling with NetLogo: Introduction and New NetLogo Extensions. In: K. Römisch, A. Nothdurft & U. Wunn (eds.): Die Grüne Reihe 22. Tagung der Sektion Forstliche Biometrie und Informatik des Deutschen Verbandes Forstlicher Forschungsanstalten und der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ökologie und Umwelt der Internationalen Biometrischen Gesellschaft - Deutsche Region, 20-21th September 2010 in Göttingen (Germany), pages 68-101, ISSN 1860-4064.

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